Yay! |
Olivia... I cannot begin to tell you how much your Daddy and I adore you. Everything you do is amazing! Not to mention, now that your little personality has started to come out, you are one of the coolest kids ever! Two weeks ago, when you first smiled at us, we were so excited! It was the most beautiful smile ever... until the next one, and every one after.
that's a pretty nice boat! |
Last week, you started cooing, and mimicking sounds of words. How smart are YOU! You can pretty much stand on your own, with only our hands to keep you steady. You have the world's strongest baby legs!!! You can inchworm your way across your bedroom when you press your feet against our hands. You love tummy time, if fact, you'd rather be on your tummy than on your back. And you continue to Houdini your way out of even the most perfectly folded swaddle. You are staring to grasp at items and you love to look at the Shapes, Color and Numbers books that we read every day.
big smiles! |
I should also mention, you LOVE being out of the house. Anywhere we take you, people always comment what a well-behaved and calm baby you are and you are perfectly happy being passed around to other people. Because you are so interested in the world around you, home is a little boring for you, I think.
Grammy and Grampy are coming up to meet you next week and hang out with you, they are so excited- I wonder what kind of yummy things Grammy will make for us! When you get a little older, you will be able to taste all of the wonderful cooking she does. Then, a few weeks later, we're going on our first big trip- to see your Aunt Dani and new Uncle Joe get married on their farm! You'll be able to meet their chickens and turkeys and their dog Sarge. (I'm going to take you to the work farm so you can practice meeting the chickens there first... Dani and Joe have a LOT more so we're going to start small. 'Course, they don't have a piggie, but meeting Milkshake will be fun!) We're going to stay in a hotel and play with the whole family. We have a very pretty dress for you to wear and lots of great outfits to show off your fabulous style.
Just the other day, you slept in your own crib, in your own room! You are growing up so fast
Ollie-by Gollie, we are so excited to see what the next amazing thing you will do. You are growing up so fast already, we can't believe that just a few months ago, you looked so small in your car seat, and now you fit in there very well. There are so many exciting things for you to see and experience- your first fall with all the pretty leaves... maybe even your first snow! By this time next year, you will be such a big girl probably walking and starting to talk, playing with Sydney and Marbles. We love you so much!!!
L-I-V-I-N' |