That's pretty cool, becasue I LOVE avocados (as you've probably noticed by the way I've been gulping them down!)
not quite ripe yet! |
And, apparently, your ear bones are forming so you can hear me! The ear, specifically the middle ear, consists of 3 bones known as
ossicles. Since the human body has 2 ears, there are a total of 6 middle
ear bones.These bones function in transmitting
sound waves to the inner ear. Interestingly, ossicles are the three
smallest bones in the body.
3 little bones are we! |
What else? Well, we've been talking about names. If you are a boy, we have a name all ready for you! But, if you are a girl, we are having a bit of a harder time with it. Not to worry, we won't let you go to school with no name, I think once we are closer to the time you are ready to see the world, we'll have it figured out.
I can't WAIT to get started on your nursery! I'm excited about spring because that means GARAGE SALES and I can't wait to see all the cool stuff I can pick up and repurpose for you. I hope that you are into that idea, because I'm feeling like being pretty crafty.
Also, I am planning a nice little party for you in a few weeks. All of our friends (your soon to be aunts and uncles) are going to be there, just to celebrate YOU! It's a tad early but we figured it would be okay due to how awesome it's going to be. AND... as if that wasn't enough, we are heading to our homestate for ANOTHER party and lots of family time soon after that! Of course, you are the major topic of conversation already but by then, all the family will be busting at the seams (it's a Southern thing, you'll see soon enough)!