Last week, we spent BOO-Koos of time in a baby store looking at all the stuff we are supposed to buy for you. Cradles and toys and books... whew! I don't know... you seem pretty happy just floating around with skin cells and some music. We picked out a car seat and stroller, a beautiful crib and a pack and play so when we go visit the family down south, you have your own little place to be. We are leaning toward a jungle theme for your room... hope you like monkeys!
That's your monkey counterpart! But, your bed won't be hay... probably |
We are going to go to thrift stores and garage sales to find you some books and toys (ones that can be cleaned and are safe, course!). The best news? I found MY baby blankie and teddy bear! Hopefully you will love them as much as I do. One of my co-workers is going to make you a blankie as well! SOOOOO many people are excited to meet you!
I felt you kick the other day! We were talking about names and we came up with a really silly one... you kicked, what I can only decipher as, your disapproval.
Grandma Iline sent us a package of home-made cookies which you seemed to like... which is great because cookies are delicious... but not too many! Speaking of food, you seemed REALLY happy with the pho I had for lunch one day and the crab feast we had on Thursday! Yay! Pho and seafood are two of my favorite things. Grandpa Mike can teach you how to use chopsticks (he taught me AND your two Aunts!) and as soon as you can manage crab legs and all the tools you need to crack 'em, we'll be sure to take you. There is a WORLD of yumminess awaiting you, kiddo! :)
it's YOU sized! |
That's about all that's been happening outside. I'm glad everything has been going so well. I'm proud of how you are growing and getting your bones formed and all your parts in the right places. We don't know if you are a boy or a girl, but it doesn't matter. You are a special baby, and Daddy and I love you very much. We'll see you again in a few weeks and we are excited to see what else you've managed to grow.
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