I cannot believe you are already 6 months old. You are so amazing in all the things you can do, and everything is adorable. Especially your dinosaur screechy noises and your beautiful smiles.

Listing all your various accomplishments would take forever, but suffice it to say you are incredibly talented. You have enamored everyone; your doctor, your teachers at day care and everyone who meets you with your winning personality and ninja like serenity in public. Sure, you have had your meltdowns, but even they are easily subdued with your favorite thing (or so it seems to Daddy and me) food! You have tried an liked so many things, things most babies would probably turn their noses at but you love to taste new things. In fact, you seem frustrated that you do not have teeth yet, because you are VERY persistent about grabbing our big people plates and exploring whatever goodies we are having for our meals!
You had your very first Christmas and Hannukkah and you loved the tree and you also LOVED ripping the paper off the presents! It sure tuckered you out though.

You went on your very first plane ride with Daddy and got spoiled rotten in North Carolina by your Grandmas, Grandpas, aunts and cousins. Daddy said you were very well behaved and I was so proud, even though I had to stay home and take care of Sydney and Marbles.

You are a perfect mix of me and your Daddy, but sometimes, it seems that you are a Daddy's girl through and through. It makes me sad, but then you look at me with those big blue eyes, smile your perfect smile, and laugh that perfect laugh and I forget all about it. Because you are my girl too. And that's just fine with me. You have becoem a little person now, and there is a lot more of this world to learn about. I'll be there the whole way through, Oli.
I love you so much, I cannot believe it has already been 6 months since the first time I saw you. I can't believe you haven't always been here.
Sometimes I look at pictures of you from way back then and can't believe you were so much smaller than you are now, and that it was such as short time ago.
Here take a look:
Anyway, I just wanted to get back to this blog to tell you how much I adore you and follow along with your life. I hope you can look at this one day and feel the love. I hope you will like looking at this and knowing what your life was like "way back when". And that your Daddy and I were pretty cool at some point.
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