Been a couple days since I posted something. It's not because I haven't thought about you, baby... I've done little else, actually! My job is gearing up again, so I'm a little bit busier. Plus, we were still a little unsure about how old you really are. Remember I said 2 weeks ago you were 13 weeks? It turns out, you are 13 weeks NOW!
So let's see, what's been happening... we saw you the other day!
what's going on in there baby? |
You look so comfy in there. And you were moving around and doing somersaults... you made me laugh and the technician couldn't do his job! If you felt some poking, it's because he needed you to move so he could look at you all sides. Also, I got the all clear to tell the whole world! There are lots of people who are VERY excited to meet you; lots of family here in Philadelphia! Oh and all my friends at my work. Did you know I work on a farm?
Looks fun, right? |
I can't wait to introduce you to my chicken and pig coworkers, as well as the human ones. I work on a project that is a bit closer to home. I drive a big yellow truck:
mmm... fruits and veggies! |
and go all over bringing folks fresh fruits and veggies. You are due to be born right smack in the middle of the season! My own little veggie!
I missed 2 yoga classes and was trying to get it in by doing it on my own, but I missed going to the studio, and today I was able to fit it in. I was soooo happy to get back to it. I hope you felt all the stretching and positive energy I was directing toward you.
I've been kind of lazy about keeping track of the food I'm eating, but I feel like I'm back on track now.
Daddy is re-doing the bathroom and so there is a bit of a mess in the house, but once it gets done, we get to work on your room! Any suggestions? I was thinking about light green with brown accents, I'd paint a BIG tree on the wall and have birdies and flowers on it. I've also been thinking about things that you will need; bottles and clothes and all kinds of things.
The other evening, I was so tired and I laid down on the couch. Your fur sister, Sydney (you've probably heard her barking) decided she wanted to lay with me and put her head on my tummy, she laid there the whole time! She doesn't like to stay still for long, so this was really cool. I think she wanted to know how you were doing. Here's what she looks like:
Ready to party! |
I think that's all that's been happening. I hope you are continuing to grow and be healthy. I can't wait to feel you kicking and see you again in a few weeks!