Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Plantin' and Paintin'!

Woot!  Wow baby, can you believe it was just a short time ago that we were at the beginning of this journey?  It seems to be going rather quickly, even though I am so anxious to see you and get you outside!

Funny how these fruit and veggie size comparisons are matching up with things on the outside right now.  Eggplants are ready to be planted!  Usually in this area we wait until after Mother's Day, but we've had a weird, funky winter and a dry and temperature fluctuating spring.  Speaking of planting... We prepped the "farm"!

it looks small, but you'd be surprised how much can grow!
We're planting tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, green beans, lettuce, carrots, another kind of beans, radishes and strawberries! Hopefully, the strawberries will get strong and we can pick them together next year! I kept telling myself to keep it simple this year and grow only a few things... I don't have as much energy as usual, work is going to be a bit hectic... I have a BABY coming! But, in the end, we borrowed a tiller from work, and because of all the hard work we put in last summer getting the weeds under control and putting the ground "to bed" for the winter, it was actually pretty easy (Daddy may not say that, but he seemed to like running the tiller A LOT!) In that box over on the right, I seeded in carrots and radishes. This week, we have the tomato, pepper and strawberry seedlings to put in and then a few days after that, we will plant the cucumber, lettuce and bean seeds.  By the time you are ready to see it, it will be overflowing with beautiful, tasty food which we will then can, sauce, pickle and freeze for winter and make into yummy baby food for you and tasty meals for Daddy and I.

I took my first "Holistic Birthing" class on Sunday; it's the first of 4 classes and  and the last one Daddy will come to so he will know what he needs to do when it's time for you to come.  There were about 9 other ladies there in various stages of pregnancy and we talked about our Momma Bodies and all the things that are happening inside as you are growing, kicking and getting yourself situated. I learned how to keep my lateral abdominal muscles in shape so I can help get you out when its time and also to help me get back in shape afterwards!

We also started painting your room this week:

your crib will be in this corner!

A cute little pond!

We have some detailing work to do, get the decals in place and then start assembling your crib and all the other fun stuff that will be your new home.  I hope you like it! So... VERY busy since we got home a little more than a week ago. It's been A LOT of work and some other things have been pushed aside... like house cleaning and school for me... not good things :(.  But, this is all important and I know in the next 3 months, I'm going to have less and less energy and time to get everything ready for you, so I'm getting as much done now as I can.  I'm sore all over, but happy.

Love you, kiddo!

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