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USDA demo veggie garden |
I have been SO busy with work, everything has kind of fallen to the wayside at home. I had trucks to bring hither and yon, and all kinds of Earth Day events to attend. But, yesterday I spent time doing laundry, sweeping, and scrubbing everything so that we had a nice clean house again! Finally...feels good to have a day off to just get things done! Yesterday was also my 3rd Holistic Birthing class. In class we spoke about our fears and what we were scared about; by saying and accepting them we can overcome them. I'm scared that I will end up having to have a C-Section... that all this preparing for you to come naturally into the world will all be for not because something will go wrong. I'm also scared Daddy will be scared... he says he might be, but that its okay... he'll get himself together enough to help me. Being pregnant, all sorts of things have come up that I thought I had dealt with and moved on. The Yogi said this is normal... women go through a new metamorphosis during pregnancy and in giving birth. The physical one is the most obvious, but also and emotional one... wondering if we will be good mothers, knowing that nothing will ever be the same again. I've been a pet mom 3 times now and I've always known that I am responsible for their doggie and kitty lives and health. But, you... you are different. You will grow up to be a real, live human being... someone who has to be responsible for themselves, who may have a family of their own. I'm confident that Daddy and I will be able to instill in you all the important qualities you will need to be successful in whatever you choose. But, it's still scary to think sometimes... I'm going to have a BABY!!! ME!!!
Your room is almost finished being painted, just a few small touches left and we built your crib! All your stuff has been stored in the closet for now and we have this great rolling cart for all your diaper and care stuff. We have some pictures that we need to hang up. Some things will have to wait until after you are born because your dresser is on back order... you'll be living out of the closet for a month, but that's okay. We found out that with the crib we bought, the company will plant 10 trees in your honor! We have to wait until your born to register for it... because we don't know if you are a boy or a girl!!! We want to make sure the certificate says the right name and your birthday. Today, we have to go to the doctor for a test and the first of my now biweekly checkups. At the last one, the doctor was very happy to hear how active you have been. I've been counting your kicks and you are so ahead of the game! I have to take a glucose test and I need to ask about some special shots Daddy and I may need to make sure we don't get you sick.
There is so much going on these days, baby. I'm trying very hard to keep everything on schedule and not forget anything that has to be done. I have a great calender that reminds me of things that are coming up (as long as I remember to put things in there!) I've been getting so much done and there is still so much to do I feel like time is started to get short and there is so much I have to do before you come. But, I know I need to take time to relax, breathe, eat right and take my vitamins. It's hard sometimes... it's very important that I do... trying to be super mom isn't good for either of us <3
You are 28 (or 27, depending on who you ask) weeks now... you have grown so much and you kick and push all the time (like right now!). I play music for you from time to time, when I'm laying down in the evenings (haven't had much time for that lately!) You like instrumental Hip-Hip, the Barenaked Ladies Kids albums and Daddy found a Pixies lullaby album which you also seem to like. You are a great combination of the two of us. Just you wait, kiddo... there's all kinds of great music out there! I'm warning you now... your music education is VERY important to us, no Justin Beiber or Lil Wayne. Sorry, baby... I'm all for letting you be who you want, but that is just asking too much.
I'm going to leave you with a pretty picture of a flower I saw 2 weeks ago at a garden. I love you!
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i don't know what it is! |